Producing climate services related to seasonal and decadal prediction for an improved management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply.

Host institution

Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain.

Project description

Water resources are closely dependent on the services supplied by ecosystems that maintain both water quantity and quality. Climate extreme events like heat waves, droughts and floods, stress ecosystems and compromise their capacity to provide key services related to water. However, despite the vulnerability of the water quality sector to climate change, there has been limited development of solution-oriented tools integrating climate services and lake ecosystem impacts modelling for efficient adaptation to climate extreme events.

This project will integrate state-of-the-art seasonal and decadal climate predictions from Copernicus and water quality simulations in an advanced solution that ensures efficient decision making and adaptation of water resources management to an increasing frequency of climate extreme events. The project will take advantage of the impressive long term record in Sau Reservoir (ES), with almost uninterrupted measurements since 1964, and also the high frequency records started in 2015 under the umbrella of NETLAKE.

This will be fully supported and participated by ATL, the water supply company that manages the reservoir, who will also contribute an impressive on-line, high frequency analytical system for detecting disinfection-by-products after the treatment of reservoir water.


Ens d’Abastament d’Aigua del Ter i del Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. 1 month.
Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland. 5 months.


Angela-Isabel Pedregal-Montes

seasonal and decadal prediction