and communication

ESR 2: Ammanuel Bekele
  1. Mi, C., Tilahun, A. B., Flörke, M., Dürr, H. H., & Rinke, K. (2024). Climate warming effects in stratified reservoirs: Thorough assessment for opportunities and limits of machine learning techniques versus process-based models in thermal structure projections. Journal of Cleaner Production, 454, 142347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142347
  2. Tilahun, A. B., Dürr, H. H., Schweden, K., & Flörke, M. (2024). Perspectives on total phosphorus response in rivers: Examining the influence of rainfall extremes and post-dry rainfall. Science of The Total Environment, 940, 173677. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173677
ESR 4: Sabin Taranu
  1. Taranu, I. S., Somot, S., Alias, A., Boé, J., & Delire, C. (2023). Mechanisms behind large-scale inconsistencies between regional and global climate model-based projections over Europe. Climate Dynamics, 60(11), 3813-3838. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06540-6
  2. Taranu, S. I., Lawrence, D. M., Wada, Y., Tang, T., Kluzek, E., Rabin, S., … & Thiery, W. (2024). Bridging the gap: a new module for human water use in the Community Earth System Model version 2.2. 1. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(20), 7365-7399. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-7365-2024
ESR 5: Ilaria Micella
  1. Micella, I., Kroeze, C., Bak, M. P., & Strokal, M. (2024). Causes of coastal waters pollution with nutrients, chemicals and plastics worldwide. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 198, 115902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115902
  2. Strokal, M., Wang, M., Micella, I., & Janssen, A. B. (2024). Building trust in large-scale water quality models: 13 alternative strategies beyond validation. Discover Water, 4(1), 82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s43832-024-00149-y
  3. Micella, I., Kroeze, C., Bak, M. P., Tang, T., Wada, Y., & Strokal, M. (2024). Future scenarios for river exports of multiple pollutants by sources and sub‐basins worldwide: Rising pollution for the Indian Ocean. Earth’s Future, 12(11), e2024EF004712. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024EF004712
ESR6: Keerthana Suresh
  1. Suresh, K., Tang, T., Van Vliet, M. T., Bierkens, M. F., Strokal, M., Sorger-Domenigg, F., & Wada, Y. (2023). Recent advancement in water quality indicators for eutrophication in global freshwater lakes. Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 063004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acd071
  2. Mesman, J. P., Barbosa, C. C., Lewis, A. S., Olsson, F., Calhoun-Grosch, S., Grossart, H. P., … & Wain, D. J. (2024). Challenges of Open Data in aquatic sciences: issues faced by data users and data providers. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 1497105. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2024.1497105
ESR8: Angela Pedregal
  1. Pedregal-Montes, A., Jennings, E., Kothawala, D., Jones, K., Sjöstedt, J., Langenheder, S., … & Farré, M. J. (2024). Disinfection by-product formation potential in response to variability in dissolved organic matter and nutrient inputs: Insights from a mesocosm study. Water Research, 258, 121791. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024.121791
ESR 11: Mahtab Yaghouti
  1. Nkwalale, L., Schwefel, R., Yaghouti, M., & Rinke, K. (2023). A simple model for predicting oxygen depletion in lakes under climate change. Inland Waters, 13(4), 576-595. https://doi.org/10.1080/20442041.2024.2306113
ESR 12: Adrian Rinaldo
  1. Rinaldo, A., de Eyto, E., Reed, T., Gjelland, K. Ø., & McGinnity, P. (2024). Global warming is projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace of life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology, 104(3), 647-661. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15603
ESR 14: Annika Schlemm
  1. Nkwasa, A., Chawanda, C. J., Schlemm, A., Ekolu, J., Frieler, K., & Van Griensven, A. (2024). Historical climate impact attribution of changes in river flow and sediment loads at selected gauging stations in the Nile basin. Climatic Change, 177(3), 42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-024-03702-9
  2. Schlemm, A., Mulligan, M., Tang, T., Agramont, A., Namugize, J., Malambala, E., & van Griensven, A. (2024). Developing meaningful water-energy-food-environment (WEFE) nexus indicators with stakeholders: An Upper White Nile case study. Science of the Total Environment, 931, 172839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172839
  3. Schlemm, A., Mulligan, M., Agramont, A., Ssekamuli, B., Tindimugaya, C., Ogonda, G., & van Griensven, A. (2025). Contributions of stakeholder perspectives and biophysical mapping to assess ecosystem services in the Upper White Nile basin. Ecosystem Services, 71, 101688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2024.101688
ESR 2: Ammanuel Bekele
  1. [Outreach activity] Effect of extreme precipitatation events on total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in rivers RUB. Target: RUB University community. 16-10-2023
  2. [Press release] Interview with RUB press office and published news in RUB website RUB press. Target: RUB University community. 20-10-2023 https://news.rub.de/wissenschaft/2023-10-20-ingenieurhydrologie-starkregenereignisse-verschlechtern-die-wasserqualitaet-von-fluessen
ESR 3: Maud Siebers
  1. [Outreach activity] Girl Guides Science fair Denny High School, Scotland. Target: General public, kids aged. 4 till 18 10-06-2023. A computer model was made to show kids about lake modelling.
  2. [Outreach activity] SIEC Young Pathfinder’s ‘Meet the Scientists’ .Stirling University. Target: General public, high school kids. 31-10-2023. Presentation on lake modelling
  3. [Social Media] Young Pathfinders event X (twitter)/Linkedin. Target: Scientific community. 31-10-2023. Explaination on what we presented
  4. [Social Media] Blog post X (twitter). Target: Scientific community. 29-09-2023
  5. [Social Media] Presentation at SEFS X (twitter). Target: Scientific community. 20-06-2023. Quick info on my presentation at SEFS
  6. [Social Media] Girl Guides Science fair X (twitter)/Linkedin. Target: Scientific community. 10-06-2023. Tweet on our outreach activity
  7. [Social Media] Lake model – visual representation X (twitter). Target: Scientific community. 31-05-2023. Gif on my model visual representation used for outreach
  8. [Social Media] Workshop Art and Science X (twitter). Target: Scientific community. 11-04-2023
  9. [Social Media] Reposting inventWater X (twitter). Target: Scientific community. All years Reposting important tweets from the inventWater account
  10. [Social Media] Blog post inventwater LinkedIn. Target: Scientific community/ non academics. June 2022
  11. [Social Media] First InventWater Meeting LinkedIn. Target: Scientific community/ non academics. October 2021
  12. [Social Media] WWW talk show marketing LinkedIn and X. Target: Scientific community/ non academics. August 2024
  13. [Social Media] WWW talkshow photos and experience LinkedIn. Target: Scientific community/ non academics. September 2024
  14. [Social Media] SIL presentation Brasil LinkedIn. Target: Scientific community/ non academics. May 2024
ESR 4: Sabin Taranu
  1. [Press release] Many tourists, too little water. DeMorgen. Target: General public. July 2023
  2. [Outreach activity] Podcast on climate change deniers. Oxfam Target: General public. Mar 2023.
  3. [Social Media] Drought conditions and impacts in South America. LinkedIn. Target: General public. Mar 2023
  4. [Social Media] Drought conditions and impacts in Maghreb region and Turkey. LinkedIn. Target: General public. Mar 2023
  5. [Social Media] Navigating climate skepticism amid global challenges. LinkedIn. Target: General public. Mar 2023
ESR 5: Ilaria Micella
  1. [Article] the welcome retreat @Digital sau Inventwater blog. Target: General Public. January 2022
  2. [Outreach activity] The value of water: at the croassroads between climate change, scarcity and political ecology Seminar organised during PhD trip in Italy. Target: General public. September 2022
  3. [Outreach activity] Exploring Innovative Water Management in Anthropogenic Landscapes!-Bochum Inventwater blog. Target: Scientific Community. October 2023
  4. [Outreach activity] Stockholm World water Week session Seminar organised during PhD trip in Italy. Target: Policy makers/ International organizations August 2024
  5. [Outreach activity] Summer course on System Modeling. Linkedin. Target: General public. August 2024
  6. [Outreach activity] Outreach for paper on Future Scenarios. Linkedin. Target: General public November 2024. 
  7. [Social Media] PhD trip post. Linkedin. Target: General public November 2022
  8. [Social Media] Advanced trainign in Brussels. Linkedin. Target: Scientific Community. November 2023
  9. [Social Media] My secondment and different conferences. Linkedin. Target: Scientific Community. June 2023
  10. [Social Media] PROCLIAS-ISIMIP Webinar water quality in a changing world. Linkedin. Target: Scientific Community June 2023
  11. [Social Media] Exploring Innovative Water Management in Anthropogenic Landscapes!-Bochum. Linkedin. Target: General public. October 2023
  12. [Website] MARINA-MULTI. Target: Wageningen University and Research Scientific Community. September 2023
ESR 6: Keerthana Suresh
  1. [Outreach activity] Project at LVFO Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation Science and Policy community, representatives of the nile basin initiative. 5th April 2023
  2. [Outreach activity] Global Lake Assessment Global Sustainable Development Congress, Times Higher Education Science community, Policy community, Education community, Target: General public. May 30-31 2023
  3. [Outreach activity] Global Lake Assessment Global Sustainable Development Congress, Times Higher Education Science community, Policy community, Education community, Target: General public. May 30-31 2023
  4. [Outreach activity] Recent advancement in water quality indicators for eutrophication in global freshwater lakes Target: Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Saudi Arabia, World Bank Policy makers, International Organizations. June 12 2023
  5. [Outreach activity] Recent advancement in water quality indicators for eutrophication in global freshwater lakes National University of Singapore Target: Scientific community, Policy community, Development banks. June 22-23 2023
  6. [Outreach activity] Global water resources assessment International Atomic Energy Agency Target: Science community, Policy community, UN organizations. July 3-7 2023
  7. [Outreach activity] Global indicators and local insights on water quality status and changes Water Security Group, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis Target: Science community. 16th Jan 2024
  8. [Outreach activity] “Water quantity and quality modeling embedded in nexus assessment and management
    ” College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University Target: Science community. 2024
  9. [Outreach activity] Water quantity and quality modeling embedded in nexus assessment and management School of Engineering, WestLake  University Target: Science community. 2024
  10. [Outreach activity] Global indicators and local insights on water quality status and changes Water Quality Nexus Group, Utrecht University Target: Science community . 16th Feb 2024
  11. [Outreach activity] “EcoScape: The Challenge of Sustainability” – a nexus role playing game World Water Week, Stockholm Science, Target: policy and water professionals. August 2024
  12. [Outreach activity] “Young Minds: Global Water” – live studio talkshow World Water Week, Stockholm Science. Target: policy and water professionals. August 2024
  13. [Social Media] Paper exposure LinkedIn Science. Target: policy and other environmental professionals network. 08 July 2023
  14. [Social Media] GLEON experience LinkedIn Science. Target: policy and other environmental professionals network. 08 July 2023
  15. [Social Media] Paper exposure Linkedin Science. Target: policy and other environmental professionals network 17th. December 2024
  16. [Website] Our first in-person training on Big Data for Water Quality inventWater blog. Target: Scientific community. June 2022
  17. [Website] Writing Retreat workshop at Caldes de Malavella inventWater. blog Target: Science community. March 2024
ESR 8: Angela Pedregal
  1. [Article] The Aquatic Crystall Ball: Decoding the Future of Freshwater in a Shifting Climate The Marie Curie Alumni Association Blog. Target: general public, policy makers, scientific community. July 2023. https://medium.com/marie-curie-alumni/the-aquatic-crystal-ball-decoding-the-future-of-freshwater-in-a-shifting-climate-db2a055049d0
  2. [Outreach activity] Our first in-person training on Big Data for Water Quality inventWater blog inventwater.eu. Target: general public. June 2022
  3. [Outreach activity] El clima está cambiando, el agua también, y tú, … qué cambiarías si pudieras ver el futuro? European Researchers` Night, Girona-Spain. Target: general public. September 2022
  4. [Outreach activity] Innovating for Water Justice: Tools for a Peaceful Future Workshop World Water Week. Target: general public, policy makers, scientific community. August 2024
  5. [Outreach activity] Our last hugs? inventWater blog inventwater.eu. Target: general public. September 2024
  6. [Social Media] World Water Week and last inventWater Advanced Training post Linkedin. Target: general public. September 2024
  7. [Website] SITES AquaNet summer experiment successfully finished News | SITES. Target: general public, scientific community. September 2022. https://www.fieldsites.se/i/a32250806/2022/
ESR 11: Mahtab Yaghouti
  1. [Outreach activity] Festival of Frendship 2023 Denny high school. Target: general public. 10/06/2023. Maud Siebers and I were the representatives of inventWater in the science part of this festival. A short talk about the lake’s functions and characteristics, drawing a healthy lake, and a lake prediction game were part of this activity for the girls with a range in ages from 4 to 18.
  2. [Outreach activity] SIEC Meet the Scientists University of Stirling. Target: general public. 30/10/2023. Maud Siebers and I were the representatives of inventWater in the science part of this festival. A short talk about the lake’s functions and characteristics, drawing a healthy lake, and a lake prediction game were part of this activity for the girls with a range in ages from 4 to 18.
  3. [Social Media] Twitter. Target: general public. 10/06/2023. Post about outreach activity
  4. [Social Media] Linkedin. Target: general public. 10/06/2023. Post about outreach activity
  5. [Social Media] Twitter. Target: general public. 16/05/2023. Post about phd symposium talk at the university of Stirling
  6. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 16/05/2023. Post about phd symposium talk at the university of Stirling
  7. [Social Media] Twitter. Target: general public. 27/06/2023. “Post about the GLEON 2023 meeting and inventWater ESRs
  8. [Social Media] Twitter. Target: general public. 27/06/2023. Post about the GLEON 2023 meeting and my study poster presentation
  9. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public.  27/06/2023. Post about the GLEON 2023 meeting and my study poster presentation
  10. [Social Media] inventWater flashback post. Twitter. Target: general public. 28/12/2023. Post about the inventWater activities during year of 2023
  11. [Social Media] 2024 inventWater flashback post. LinkedIn. Target: general public 28/12/2023 Post about the inventWtaer activities during year of 2023
  12. [Social Media] Twitter. Target: general public. 30/8/2023. Post about inventWater retreat in Bochum
  13. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 30/8/2023. Post about inventWater retreat in Bochum
  14. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 29/11/2024. My mini-poster at #DkIT Research Innovation Showcase
  15. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 10/11/2024. UNU Unconventional Water Resources course
  16. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 06/11/2024. PhD journey and results so far to the University of Stirling’s Biological and Environmental Sciences
  17. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 9/1/2024. WWW and Erken workshop summary
  18. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 07/01/2024. Recap of DkIT scondmnet
  19. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 26/04/2024. BES PhD symposium
  20. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 03/30/2024. inventWater writting retreat
  21. [Social Media] LinkedIn. Target: general public. 01/31/2024. inventWater interpretership workshop
ESR 12: Adrian Rinaldo
  1. [Other] Member of NoWPaS 2024 committee https://nowpas.eu/current/ Target: Scienfitic community, international organisation and the general public. 04/01/2023
  2. [Other] NoWPaS 2024 Keynote Organisation https://nowpas.wordpress.com/ Target:  Scientific community, policy makers. 2023/2024
  3. [Outreach activity] Marine Institute Ireland Open Day Newport, Ireland. Target: General public. 03/28/2023
  4. [Outreach activity] Transition year students Marine Institute Ireland. Target: General public. 2023/2024
  5. [Social Media] Climate change effects on Atlantic salmon Twitter NoWPaS / France. Target: Scientific community and general public. 02/03/2022
  6. [Social Media] Climate change effects on Atlantic salmon Twitter NoWPaS / Norway. Target: Scientific community and general public. 07/03/2023
  7. [Social Media] LinkedIn (link). Target: Scientific community, international organisations and the general public. 07/10/2023
  8. [Website] A Typical Day for an ESR inventWater webpage. Target: General public. 04/04/2023
  9. [Website] NoWPaS 2024 WebSite https://nowpas.wordpress.com/ Target: Scienfitic community, policy makers. 2023/2024
ESR 14: Annika Schlemm
  1. [Article] European Year of Youth: three young MSCA researchers helping to build a brighter future for generations to come! European Research Executive Agency. Target:
    Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Jan 2022. Blog post
  2. [Article] Brussels training week “Modelling water quality under global change”
    inventWater blog.  Target: General public. Nov 2022. Blog post
  3. [Article] Solution Prototyping and Testing: Co-creation with Students and Farmers SustainFood Network blog. Target: General public, scientific community, policy makers. Jul 2023. Blog post
  4. [Article] Nurturing Entrepreneurship at The Kitchen inventWater blog. Target: General public. Feb 2024. Blog post
  5. [Outreach activity] Prometeruse Climate Action with Secondary Schools Prometeruse. Target: General public. Jan 2023
  6. [Outreach activity] Collaborative Learning School – Collaborative community workshops SustainFood Network. Target: General public, scientific community, policy makers. Jul 2023
  7. [Outreach activity] National Policymaker Workshop SustainFood Network. Target: Policy makers. Jul 2023
  8. [Outreach activity] “EcoScape: The Challenge of Sustainability” – a nexus role playing game World Water Week, Stockholm Science. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Sep 2024
  9. [Outreach activity] Yala Basin Nature-based Solutions stakeholder workshop Hosted by CGS (County Government of Siaya). Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Sep 2024
  10. [Outreach activity] Citizen Science for Wetland Conservation: Unveiling Water Filtration Services in Kenya’s Yala Swamp
    Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST). Target: General public. Sep 2024
  11. [Outreach activity] Citizen science for biodiversity and water quality monitoring – BioBlitz in Brussels Home River BioBlitz. Target: General public, scientific community. Oct 2024
  12. [Outreach activity] Farmer Field Schools: Cultivating Collaborative Innovation for Synergies in Water, Energy, and Food Security in Uganda – A Policy Brief Stockholm Environment Institute. Target: Policy makers. Jan 2025
  13. [Outreach activity] Participatory art for environmental stewardship. Target: Local communities. Apr 2025
  14. [Outreach activity] Participatory poliy brief workshop. Target: Local communities, scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Apr 2025
  15. [Outreach activity] Interwoven Waters: Art, nature, and community conservation in East Africa – Exhibition Hosted by Pilar. Target: General public, scientific community. Jun 2025
  16. [Outreach activity] Interwoven Waters – A short film Hosted by Pilar. Target: General public, scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Jun 2025
  17. [Social media] Supporting Women and Girls in Science European Union Science Instagram. Target: General public, scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Feb 2024
  18. [Social media] Post publicising PhD paper publication LinkedIn. Target: General public. Feb 2024
  19. [Social media] Post publicising EU REA blogpost on PhD research LinkedIn. Target: General public. Feb 2024
  20. [Social media] Post on presentation and experiences at the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia LinkedIn. Target: General public. May 2024
  21. [Social media] Post publicising PhD paper publication LinkedIn. Target: General public. Jun 2024
  22. [Social media] Post on stakeholder workshop and citizen science activities in Kenya LinkedIn. Target: General public. Sep 2024
  23. [Social media] Post on citizen science activities in Brussels LinkedIn. Target: General public. Oct 2024
  24. [Social media] Post publicising PhD paper publication LinkedIn. Target: General public. Dec 2024
ESR 4: Sabin Taranu

1. Understand and correct population data spatial inconsistencies in ISIMIP2 protocol https://github.com/VUB-HYDR/isimip2b_population_correction Target: Scientific community
2. Changes to the CTSM code repository (as part of the incorporation of the sectoral water usage in CESM model) https://github.com/TaranuDev/CTSM Target: Scientific community
3. Changes to the MOSART code repository (as part of the incorporation of the sectoral water usage in CESM model) https://github.com/TaranuDev/MOSART Target: Scientific community
4. Changes to the CMEPS code repository (as part of the incorporation of the sectoral water usage in CESM model) https://github.com/TaranuDev/CMEPS Target: Scientific community
5. Changes to the CPL7 code repository (as part of the incorporation of the sectoral water usage in CESM model) https://github.com/TaranuDev/CPL7 Target: Scientific community

ESR 2: Ammanuel Bekele
  1. [Oral presentation] Effect of extreme precipitatation events on total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in rivers Tag der Hydrologie Conference Conference attendies. Target: (scientific community and practitioners). 03-22-2023. Bochum Germany
  2. [Oral presentation] Effect of extreme precipitatation events on total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in rivers. Target: UFZ Researchers. 04-19-2023. Magdeburg Germany
  3. [Oral presentation] Statuss quo of PhD project RUB. Target: inventWater project staffs. 19-09-2023. Bochum, Germany
  4. [Poster] Machine learning methods integrating climate and water monitoring data to support modelling future water quality in lakes and reservoirs over decades. inventWater Training week. Target: inventWater project staffs. 06-15-2022. Dundalk Ireland
 ESR 3: Maud Siebers
  1. [Oral presentation] Project presentation. PhD Symposium 2022. Target: Scientific community. May 2022
  2. [Oral presentation] Project presentation. Training week Dundalk. Target: Scientific community. June 2022
  3. [Oral presentation Presenting my work in the department. Department UFZ, Germany. Target: Scientific community. July 2022
  4. [Oral presentation] Improving forecasts of algal blooms by testing the limits of a process-based lake ecosystem model. BES, University of Stirling. Target: Scientific community. 16 May 2023
  5. [Oral presentation] Testing the limits of a process-based lake ecosystem model on simulating chlorophyll a. SEFS, Newcastle. Target: Scientific community. June 2023
  6. [Oral presentation] ISIMIP findings InventWater. Bochum training week. Target: Scientific community. September 2023
  7. [Oral presentation] Algal blooms in a future climate: Investigating impacts of climate scenarios on chlorophyll a concentration in a UK lake. BES department seminar. Target: Scientific community. 3 October 2023
  8. [Oral presentation] The impact of data scarcity on modelling algae blooms: a case study. SIL Brasil. Target: Scientific community. 8 May 2024
  9. [Oral presentation] The impact of data scarcity on modelling algae blooms: a case study. BES department, Stirling University. Target: Scientific community May 2024
  10. [Oral presentation] Improving forecasts of algal blooms in freshwater systems using earth observation and the process-based model GLM-AED. EAWAG Surf department. Target: Scientific community. April 2024
  11. [Oral presentation] Integrating Earth observation products into numerical lake modelling to improve algal bloom forecasting. Cumbrian Lakes Research Forum, UKCEH. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. 5 November 2024
  12. [Oral presentation] Improving forecasts of algae blooms using high frequency satellite observations. Anglian Water Research Student Summit. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. 6 November 2024
  13. [Oral presentation] Young Minds, Global Waters: networked collaborative science for boosting innovation. World Water Week, Stockholm. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organisations, general public. 27 August 2024
  14. [Poster] Project overview Welcome retreat inventWater. Target: Scientific community. Oct 2021
  15. [Poster] Improving forecasts of phytoplankton blooms using satellite imaging. GLEON, USA. Target: Scientific community. October/Novermber 2022
  16. [Poster] Testing the limits of a process-based lake ecosystem model on simulating chlorophyll a. Target: GLEON, Poland. Target: Scientific community. June 2023
  17. [Tool] Lake Prediction Game Outreach events. Target: General public. 2023
ESR 4: Sabin Taranu
  1. [Oral presentation] How to decrease large scale discrepancies between GCM/RCM pairs in the next EURO-CORDEX runs EURO-CORDEX General Assembly. Target: Scientific community
    [Oral presentation] Implementing sectoral water usage in the Community Earth System Model for projecting future water resource availability EGU22. Target: Scientific community
    [Oral presentation] Sectoral water usage in the Community Earth System Model Seminar at Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering Department, at VUB. Target: Scientific community
  2. [Poster] Incorporating sectoral water usage in the Community Earth System Model Oxford Land Surface Modelling Summit. Target: Scientific community
  3. [Poster] Incorporating sectoral water usage in the Community Earth System Model Belgian contributions to Earth Sciences in a Changing World. Target: Scientific community
  4. [Poster] Sectoral water usage in the Community Earth System Model (CESM) EGU23. Target: Scientific community
  5. [Poster] Effective resolution of Regional Climate Models ICRC-CORDEX. Target: Scientific community
    [Poster] Thirsty sectors: a layered model for managing scarce water resources Cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop. Target: Scientific community
ESR 5: Ilaria Micella
  1. [Oral presentation] The value of water: at the croassroads between climate change, scarcity and political ecology. Seminar organised during PhD trip in Italy. September 2022
  2. [Oral presentation] Ten years of MARINA modeling: Multi-pollutant hotspots and their sources under global change. EGU 2024
  3. [Oral presentation] The Water Quality Protocol for Model Intercomparisons Under Climate Change Impacts. EGU 2024
  4. [Oral presentation]Global plastic export by rivers: large differences in trends between microplastics and macroplastics. EGU 2024
  5. [Oral presentation] Domestic waste management strategies to reduce future river export of macro- and microplastics to the coastal waters of Africa. EGU 2024
  6. [Poster] Current trends in multi-pollutant problems of water systems from land-based sectors. SENSE Symposium. 2 June 2022.
  7. [Poster] Innovative forecasting approaches to assess future trends in pollutant flows from land to water systems for advancing sectoral water quality service. InventWater Advanced Training School in Dundalk. 13-17 June 2022
  8. [Poster] Sources of multiple pollutants in coastal waters worldwide. NAC 2023. March 2023
  9. [Poster] Future coastal water pollution under global change: multi-pollutant modeling. EGU 2023. April 2023
ESR 6: Keerthana Suresh
  1. [Poster] Comprehensive indicators for eutrophication dynamics and water quality status in global freshwater lakes NAC 2023. Target: Scientists of earth and environmental sciences 23-24. June 2023. https://nacgeo.nl/
  2. [Poster] Recent advancement in water quality indicators for eutrophication in global freshwater lakes EGU 2023. Target: Geoscientists. 24-28. June 2023 https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/EGU23-7565.html
  3. [Poster] Assessing eutrophication indicators in lake basins for water quality management GLEON 2023. Target: Limnologists. 25th – 30th June 2023 https://gleon.org/sites/default/files/uploaded/GLEON2023-Poland-AbstractBooklet_final_2.pdf
  4. [Poster] Identifying indicators of nutrinet loadings to lakes with an integrated modeling framework SIL 2024. Target: Limnologists. 5th-9th May 2024 https://sil2024.org/
ESR 8: Angela Pedregal
  1. [Oral presentation] Understanding the impact of run-off variability on dissolved organic matter for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Target: Scientific community, international organizations. May 2023
  2. [Oral presentation] Project presentation to the Centre for Freshwater Studies during Secondment at Dundalk IT in Ireland. Scientific community. April 2023
  3. [Oral presentation] Understanding the impact of run-off variability on DBP’s precursors for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply The Water Disinfection, Byproducts and Health Gordon Research Seminar. Target: scientific community, international organization.s July 2023
  4. [Oral presentation] “Disinfection by-product formation in response to runoff variability for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water Supply” SIL International Congress on Limnology. Target: scientific community, international organizations. May 2024
  5. [Oral presentation] Production of water quality forecasting tools for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply The Health & Environment meeting organized by SUEZ. Target: scientific community, international organizations, managers. June 2024
  6. [Oral presentation] Project presentation to the Quality and Health area of the Catalan Institute for Water Research. Target: scientific community. July 2024
  7. [Poster] Producing climate services related to seasonal and decadal prediction for an improved management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply Advanced inventWater Training, DkIT. Target: scientific community. June 2022
  8. [Poster] Understanding the impact of run-off variability on DBP’s precursors for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply The Water Disinfection, Byproducts and Health Gordon Research Conference. Target: scientific community, international organizations. August 2023
ESR 11: Mahtab Yaghouti
  1. [Oral presentation] Phd title: Adaptation strategies against progressing anoxia in lakes. University of Stirling PhD symposium 2022. Target: Scientific community. 11/05/2022
  2. [Oral presentation] Impacts of Global Warming on Hypolimnetic Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Lakes: A Case Study of Lake Erken. University of Stirling PhD symposium 2023. Target: Scientific community. 16/05/2023
  3. [Oral presentation] Phd title Mini workshop water /earth observation. Target: Scientific community. 10/19/2022
  4. [Oral presentation] Phd title FNS Interdisciplinary PGR networking event. Target: Scientific community. 27/04/2022
  5. [Oral presentation] Phd title EPOS (Earth and Planetary Observation Research Group). Target: Scientific community. 4/5/2023
  6. [Oral presentation] Introduction to estimating of uncertainty in modeling EO PhD workshop. Target: Scientific community. 31/03/2023
  7. [Oral presentation] Developed oxygen model (case study: Lake Erken) Germany inventWater retreat. Target: Scientific community. 19/09/2023
  8. [Oral presentation] Climate change impacts on lake deoxygenation from obserevd to prediction BES departemnet in UOS (Tuesday seminar). Target: Scientific community. 22/10/2024
  9. [Oral presentation] Impact of wind, temperature and solar radiation on long-term deep-water oxygen dynamics DkIT CFES Seminar. Target: Scientific community. 12/10/2024
  10. [Oral presentation] Climate Change Impact on Lakes Deoxygenation DkIT CFES Seminar. Target: Scientific community. 14/06/2024
  11. [Oral presentation] Impacts of Global Warming on Hypolimnetic Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in Lakes: A Case Study of Lake Erken PhD symposium 2023. Target: Scientific community.  5/15/2023
  12. [Oral presentation] Climate Change Impact on Lakes Deoxygenation PhD symposium 2024. Target: Scientific community. 26/04/2024
  13. [Poster] Phd title PhD symposium 2022. Target: Scientific community. 11/05/2022
  14. [Poster] Phd title 1st inventWater retreat. Target: Scientific community. 15/01/2022
  15. [Poster] Phd title 2nd inventWater retreat. Target: Scientific community. 09/06/2022
  16. [Poster] Phd title GLEON2023. Target: Scientific community. 27/06/2023
  17. [Poster] Unravelling the impact of wind, temperature and solar radiation on deep-water oxygen dynamics in Lake Erken DkIT research and innovation showcase. Target: Scientific community. 11/28/24
  18. [Tool] Lake prediction game. Target: General public. 06/01/2023
ESR 12: Adrian Rinaldo
  1. [Oral presentation] ESR-12: Employing ISIMIP projections to model the phenology, production, and distribution of diadromous fish populations International Workshop of PhDs and Post-doctoral Fellows on Anadromous Salmonids (NoWPAS) France 2022. Target: Scientific community. 03/01/2022
  2. [Oral presentation] ESR-12: Employing ISIMIP projections to model the phenology, production, and distribution of diadromous fish populations Cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop 2022. Target: Scientific community. 05/18/2022
  3. [Oral presentation] Future Climate Change is Projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace-of-life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar The Burrishoole Catchment Workshop Scientific community 11/29/2022
    Oral presentation Science Pitch inventWater Welcome Retreat. Target: Scientific community. 01/17/2022
  4. [Oral presentation] Future Climate Change is Projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace-of-life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Villakskonferansen (Wild Atlantic Salmon Conference) Trondheim. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, and the general public. 04/25/2023
  5. [Oral presentation] Future Climate Change is Projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace-of-life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar EPOS Stirling. Target: Scientific community. 05/03/2023
  6. [Oral presentation] InventWater Aarhus Pitching InventWater Aarhus. Target: Scientific community. 1/26/2024
  7. [Oral presentation] Deliverable D2.2 Using forecasting to define preventive action plans and adaptive monitoring strategies InventWater Deliverable. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. 2/9/2024
  8. [Oral presentation] NoWPaS Density Dependent Regulation of Survival, Growth, and Dispersal in Juvenile Atlantic Salmon NoWPaS Scotland 2024. Target: Scientific community. 2/28/2024
  9. [Oral presentation] Presentation for the Marine Institute Board on Cllimate Change Effects on Atlantic salmon Marine Institute Ireland. Target: Scientific community
  10. [Oral presentation] Marine Institute Lunchtime Seminar Marine Institute Ireland. Target: Scientific community and Management. 02/14/2024
  11. [Oral presentation] Global warming is projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace of life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar NoWPaS Oslo 2023. Target: Scientific community. 03/01/2023
  12. [Poster] Future Climate Change is Projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace-of-life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar The Burrishoole Catchment Workshop. Target: Scientific community. 11/29/2022
  13. [Poster] ESR-12: Employing ISIMIP projections to model the phenology, production, and distribution of diadromous fish populations inventWater Welcome Retreat. Target: Scientific community. 01/17/2022
  14. [Poster] Future Climate Change is Projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace-of-life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar inventWater Dundalk. Target: Scientific community. 06/13/2022
  15. [Poster] ESR-12: Employing ISIMIP projections to model the phenology, production, and distribution of diadromous fish populations inventWater Project Officer Meeting. Target: Scientific community. 06/21/2022
  16. [Poster] Global warming is projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace of life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar Cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop 2024. Target: Scientific community. 04/24/2024
ESR 14: Annika Schlemm
  1. [Oral presentation] Minimising trade-offs within the water-energy-food-environment nexus under climate change. International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. May 2022. In Portalegre, Portugal
  2. [Oral presentation] Minimising trade-offs within the water-energy-food-environment nexus under climate change. US-Africa Sustainable Food Systems through water-energy-food AccelNetProject Launch. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. Oct 2022. In Penn State University, USA
  3. [Oral presentation] Addressing the water-energy-food nexus in the Upper White Nile basin. Vrije Universiteit Brussel HYDR (Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering) department seminar. Target: Scientific community. Jan 2023. In Brussels, Belgium
  4. [Oral presentation] The Impacts of Climate Change on the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) Nexus in the Upper White Nile basin: A Lake Victoria Case Study. JOOUST-VLIR IUC Project (Management of Natural Resources of Lake Victoria Basin) meeting. Target: Scientific community, policy makers. Mar 2023. In Kisumu, Kenya, but presented online
  5. [Oral presentation] The impacts of climate change on the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in the Upper White Nile basin: A Lake Victoria case study. UNESCO International Conference on Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience Building. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Apr 2023. In Paris, France
  6. [Oral presentation] The impacts of climate change on the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in the Upper White Nile basin: A Lake Victoria case study. Enabel Conference “Is climate change adaptation all about water?”. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Apr 2023. In Brussels, Belgium
  7. [Oral presentation] Incorporating stakeholder feedback into the modelling concept: A case study of the Lake Victoria basin. ISIMIP-PROCLIAS cross-sectoral workshop. Target: Scientific community. Jun 2023. In Prague, Czech Republic
  8. [Oral presentation] The Impacts of Climate Change on the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus Nile Basin Initiative. 7th Development forum “Deepening Nile cooperation: Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs in a Changing Climate”. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Sep 2023. In Kampala, Uganda, but presented online
  9. [Oral presentation] Minimising trade-offs within the water-energy-food-environment nexus under climate change. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Water and Climate, Surface Water Team meeting. Target: Scientific community. Nov 2023. In Brussels, Belgium
  10. [Oral presentation] Empowering Sustainable Decision-Making in the Lake Victoria Basin: Bridging Data, Models, and Community Knowledge. inventWater Training Week “Entrepreneurship and Pitching” at Aarhus University. Target: Scientific community. Jan 2024. In Aarhus, Denmark
  11. [Oral presentation] Minimising trade-offs within the water-energy-food-environment nexus under climate change. Vrije Universiteit Brussel HYDR (Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering) department seminar. Feb 2024
  12. [Oral presentation] Integrating biophysical mapping and stakeholder perspectives to explore WEFE system of systems challenges in the Upper White Nile Basin, East Africa. World Water Forum. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. May 2024. In Bali, Indonesia
  13. [Oral presentation] Contributions of biophysical mapping and stakeholder perspectives to explore environmental challenges in the Upper White Nile Basin, East Africa. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Target: Scientific community. Aug 2024
  14. [Oral presentation] Participatory approaches to modelling the water-energy-food-environment nexus in East Africa Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Target: Scientific community. Oct 2024
  15. [Oral presentation] Participatory approaches to investigating the water-energy-food-environment nexus in East Africa. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ. Target: Scientific community. Oct 2024
  16. [Poster] Including water quality in the water-energy-food nexus: An Upper White Nile case study. European Geosciences Union conference. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Apr 2023. In Vienna, Austria
  17. [Poster] Including water quality in the water-energy-food nexus: An Upper White Nile case study. Swiss Climate Summer School on the climate-water-energy-food nexus. Target: Scientific community. Sep 2023. In Ascona, Switzerland
  18. [Poster] The impacts of climate change on the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus in the Upper White Nile basin: A Lake Victoria case study. WCRP Open Science Conference. Target: Scientific community, policy makers, international organizations. Oct 2023. In Kigali, Rwanda, but presented online
Central to the training program of inventWater is the Network-wide events, and some will be open for third party attendees, which will provide an
excellent opportunity for inventWater fellows to network more broadly

We have six Whole-network training activities in inventWater. You will find here a report from each activity shortly after its completion:

1. Welcome retreat, Virtual, January 2021
2. Advanced Training School: Big Data for Water Quality Management, Ireland, June 2022
3. Advanced Training School: Modelling Water Quality under Global Change, Belgium, October 2022
4. Advanced Training School: Managing Water in Anthropogenic Landscapes, Germany, July 2023
5. Workshop: Entrepreneurship, Pitching, and Media Interactions, Denmark, January 2024
6. Final International Outreach Activity and Workshop: What after inventWater?, Sweden, August 2024

D5.1 Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) V1

See deliverable>

D5.2 Launch of social media presence (Twitter) and website
(including blog)

See deliverable>

D6.2 Data Management Plan V1

See deliverable>

D4.2 Report on Network- wide training event 1: Welcome Retreat

See deliverable>

D5.3 ESRs blog entry on training activity 1

See deliverable>

D6.4 First Progress Report

See deliverable>

D4.5 Report on Network-wide training event 2: Big data for water quality management

See deliverable>

D5.7 ESRs blog entry on training activity 2: Big data for water quality management

See deliverable>

D5.4 Press releases for first group of local outreach events

See deliverable>

D4.6 Report on Network-wide training event 3: Modelling water quality under global change

See deliverable>

D5.8 ESRs blog entry on training activity 3: Modelling water quality under global change

See deliverable>

D4.7 Report on Network-wide training event 4: Managing water in complex anthropogenic landscapes

See deliverable>

D5.9 ESRs blog entry on training activity 4: Managing water in complex anthropogenic landscapes

See deliverable>

D5.9 ESRs blog entry on training activity 4: Managing water in complex anthropogenic landscapes

See deliverable>

D4.8 Report on Network-wide training event 5: Entrepreneurship,pitching, and media interactions

See deliverable>

D5.10 ESRs blog entry on training activity 5: Entrepreneurship,pitching, and media interactions

See deliverable>

D6.5 Second Progress Report

See deliverable>

D5.5 Press release for final international outreach event

See deliverable>

D4.9 Report on Network-wide training event 6: Final International Outreach activity and wrokshop

See deliverable>

D5.11 ESRs blog entry on training activity 6: Final International Outreach Activity and Workshop

See deliverable>